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"I have worked with Vania on many projects over the years. She is extremely professional, always prepared and gives a memorable performance.Recently Vania acted in a national commercial for my client. She was a pleasure to have on set and delivered a fantastic performance when the camera was on her."

I always welcome the opportunity to work with Vania.


Chris Bonanno
V.P. Of Television Production

Tristar Studio




I've known Vania for 7 years and she has acted in various types of content for me - Film, Television, Theater, Web Series. In addition, we have worked as co-producers in the development of a couple projects about Brazil, a country near and dear for both of us. What sets Vania apart is her pure passion for the role and relentless drive to bring authenticity to her characters. But all of this pales in comparison to her heart which is evident to all who truly know her and those lucky enough to be the targets of her many charitable endeavors. In short, Vania is passion personified in her life and in her craft.


Steve Becker

Blue Carioca Films



"Vania represents both great intelligence and dazzling beauty, and brings both on the set with a very positive work ethic."

Bob Stock
Stock Films


I've worked with Vania on several projects, including a feature film and a music video. As an actress, she is incredibly talented and fearless, and very easy to work with. She is bold, adventurous, incredibly photogenic and very expressive, both physically and emotionally. She commits any role I've given her 100%, no matter how long or tiring the day is.    She is also one of the most professional actors I've worked with. She shows up on time, shows up prepared and without any drama whatsoever. I've worked with over 400 actors in the last ten years and Vania is easily one of my absolute favorites to work with.


Marc Fratto



Dear Vania,
As a Producer/Director one of the biggest worries are the actor and actress you cast to portray and bring your vision to life. You never know till they get in front of the camera if they will make or break you film. I cast you because you were not just beautiful, you had something about you. You had the look, and the personally needed for the role. You were a pleasure to work with on set, and showed that you have talent as an actress. I thank you for what you did and what you went through, and pushing yourself to bring the realism to the role that was needed! You took my direction well, and you lessened to the producers, and the vision came to life. I want to thank you for the respect you showed me and my crew on set. You are a beautiful, wonderful girl, and I am thankful to know you, and I cant wait to work with you again in the future.  
I wish you all the best!

Aaron Warren
Hidden Agenda



"Vania is an incredibly unique actress. She is amazingly talented and I always enjoy exploring with her the emotional breath of her characters' journeys in the films we make.   She is an interesting combination of bottled emotion and raw beauty that creates a dynamic tension in her work.  Vania is great to collaborate with because she searches out the truth in a character and is always incredibly prepared, pushing the work and story to a more honest place.  She has the unique ability to get past her outter beauty and isn't afraid to explore the deeper and darker emotions that the characters ask of her.  And she is instinctively attuned to the camera in such an intuitive sense, that her image always jumps off the screen drawing in the viewer."

Salvatore Lumetta

Brilliant Earth Pictures



It has been my great pleasure to photograph Vania a dozen times over the past four years or so, and she has long since become my very favorite model to work with. Besides her obvious beauty, she has brought her positive attitude, her endless creativity and her perfect professionalism to every assignment we've done. I have never enjoyed working with anyone as much as I have enjoyed photographing Vania. 

Peter Gravina



"In auditions, hundreds of actresses say they are talented, will work hard, will dedicate themselves to creating the character you need, and will commit themselves one-hundred percent to your vision. You can believe Vania Bezerra."

Dale Johnson
Cinema eVerite LLC


I happened to look at your Linked In because I got an update that you added your Law School addition and I have to say, I saw all the movies you are in and I was really impressed. I want to congratulate you. I know it's all from your talent, your hard work, and being a nice person. Being beautiful doesn't hurt, as you know, but it takes a lot more than that.

I hope one of your movies hits a home run. Again, congratulations.



Your video was the best video we shot! That means tons of people saw your image and clicked it in the hopes of meeting you or someone like you.

Also - I thought you were really adorable… as a person not just as a video.

Vikram (web commercial)


You helped me so much, you are the most uncomplicated  person to work with and I’m so greateful to know you.

Janet B
NYU Film Graduate

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